Friday 5 September 2008

Wasteland fix and air rifle madness

North Belfast Sinn Féin Councillor Danny Lavery said he hopes to get a patch of wasteland in the Oldpark area fenced off.
The land is at the back of shops on the Oldpark and stretches between Ballymoney Street and Rosapenna Street.
“I will be investigating who owns this land and I hope to get the fence repaired and cleared of all this rubbish,” said Danny.
“It's clear kids are getting in here and setting things on fire as well as using it as a drinking den.
“There is also a wider issue of lighting in this area and I hope to ask the relevant agencies what they are doing about it.”

Air rifle madness
Sinn Féin councillor Margaret McClenaghan said following recent air rifle attacks on black taxis and one on a young man in the New Lodge that someone will end up seriously hurt.
Pellets were fired from an air rifle at three black taxis carrying passengers as they made their way through Ardoyne recently.
“This is obviously someone in the local community doing this but they must realise that someone is going to end up seriously hurt here,” said Margaret McClenaghan.

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