Tuesday 2 June 2009

Polling station decision is height of nonsense - Ní Chuilín

Sinn MLA Carál Ní Chuilín has described a decision by the electoral office to force more than 400 voters in the New Lodge area to travel past their local polling station in next week's European election as "unreasonable and inflexible" and said it was yet another attempt to rob people of their right to vote.
“A polling station will be open next Thursday in the New Lodge Long Streets area," said Carál Ní Chuilín.
“However, the Electoral Office is insisting that hundreds of voters living in those streets have to go to another station at the other end of the area.
“I contacted the Electoral Office on behalf of my constituents as this is the height of nonsense.
“These people will actually have to walk by their local station on the way to vote. The Electoral Office have remained totally inflexible on this issue despite our efforts to reach a compromise.”
Ní Chuilín said that this is the latest in a series of attempts by the Electoral Office under the stewardship of Douglas Bain to make it as hard as possible for people to vote.
“The Electoral Office has already denied thousands of people postal and proxy votes, voter registration remains a mess and this latest bit of gerrymandering points up that there is either incompetence at work here or something more sinister.
“I am calling on people to come out next week and not allow the Electoral Office to rob them of their vote.”

1 comment:

Ardoyne Republican said...

Congrats to Bairbe on securing her seat for a second time.

Unfortuantely she never raised the S/F vote in the North.