Thursday 2 December 2010

Make a Stand! Protest the cuts and bank bailout

By Sam Baker, West Belfast Sinn Féin chairperson

People across the island - and across the world - are stunned at the brazen actions this week of the Fianna Fáil/Green coalition in Dublin in signing away the state to the IMF and the European Central Bank.

A government with no mandate and no political authority has signed a deal that amounts to economic treason. It condemns this and future generations of Irish people to economic bondage for many years to come. And this is being done not to address the state's deficit problem - but to shore up a corrupt banking system and protect international financial gamblers.

The crisis in the south is unprecedented. People have been infuriated by the actions of this government over the past three years. They want change.

The landslide result in the Donegal South West by-election on November 25, which Sinn Féin's Pearse Doherty won with almost 40% of the vote, shows that people are responding to our message of a better, fairer way. Sinn Féin is the only voice in the Dáil that is breaking the consensus for cuts.
Gerry Adams's announcement that he will seek election to the Dáil in the General Election has also energized and raised the profile of the Sinn Féin alternative.
And the massive rally in Dublin on Saturday - where more than 100,000 people protested the bank bailout and cuts in one of the biggest protests in the state's history - shows that people are prepared to fight for change.

It is important for the West Belfast community to stay informed and aware of the travesty that is unfolding in the south. It is important that we recognise the implications that this has not just for communities in the south but for the entire Irish nation. And it is important that we stand with the people suffering the impact of this attack and fight for an all-Ireland alternative.
We all need to stand up and be counted. West Belfast Sinn Féin is urging the local community to join the national mobilisation in Dublin against this government's budget and its failed economic and political policies. Make a stand!

* Sinn Féin National Mobilisation: Make a Stand - There is a Better Way. Saturday December 4, 1.30pm at Parnell Square, Dublin. Main speaker: Gerry Adams. Free buses from Belfast (Colin, Falls Road, Andersonstown and Ballymurphy), leaving at 11am. Phone Connolly House on 02890 808 404 to book a spot on the bus

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