Friday 18 February 2011

Kelly hosts visually impaired social inclusion event in Assembly

Gerry Kelly hosted an event in the Assembly for people with visual impairments from North Belfast and beyond who are campaigning for social inclusion.

At a special reception in the building’s Long Gallery, Duncairn Gardens-based group Visual Access NI demonstrated the range of equipment available to people experiencing sight loss, they also encouraged politicians to do more to ensure they are not socially excluded.

Kelly said his own political advisor, Colm Glover, is a great example of how people can succeed in society and manage sight loss.
“Colm is in his job because he is good at his job and the visual impairment has not prevented him from doing the job effectively and that is the way it should be for everybody,” said the North Belfast MLA.

“Not only is Visual Access NI in the centre of North Belfast, it is also in an interface area and Tommy Hughes (who runs Visual Access NI) was able to bring his small business right through and he needs congratulations for that. We are here as a resource for this lobby.

“Government departments must tackle social exclusion particularly given that the vast majority of the community living with sight loss are older people.”

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