Friday 3 July 2009

An Fhirinne welcome move by loyalists

An Fhirinne, the group representing families of citizens who died as a result of British state violence and collusion, have given their reaction to the claim by loyalist death squads that they have decommissioned their weapons.

An Fhirinne spokesperson Robert McClenaghan said:

“We welcome the claim by loyalists that they have decommissioned their weapons.

“We await verification of that claim by the decommissioning body.

“Loyalist death squads have been used to murder hundreds upon hundreds of nationalists on Britain’s behalf.

“This policy of collusion was forged at the cabinet table in Downing Street and was carried out with the full knowledge and support of the British government.

“The British government still has serious questions to answer about the role of its army in providing weapons to loyalists, providing intelligence to loyalists and directing loyalist activity.

“An Fhirinne and the families of citizens who died at the hands of British state controlled loyalist gangs will continue to battle for the British government to admit the truth about state murder and collusion.”

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