Friday 3 July 2009

Vandals deface republican mural

Vandals who daubed a mural dedicated to the father of republicanism with dissident slogans have been described have insulted the cause they claim to support said North Belfast Sinn Féin councillor Conor Maskey.
The mural dedicated to Wolfe Tone, Winifred Carney and Bobby Sands on the gable wall of the Antrim Road Sinn Féin office was defaced with the slogan ‘CIRA’ at the weekend.
The slogan is just part of a spate of graffiti supporting dissident republicanism which has gone up in the Newington area over the past number of days.
"These are so-called republicans defacing a mural that includes Bobby Sands, Patrick Pearse and Winifred Carney and defacing a quote by the founder of republicanism Wolfe Tone," said Conor Maskey.
"Frankly I am surprised they can spell CIRA right and it says more about the organisation they support than it does about anything else.
"We will be moving quickly to remove all the graffiti that has gone up in Newington at the weekend. There is no support for this type of behaviour within the community."

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