Tuesday 2 March 2010


Sinn Féin criticised other political parties, and in particular the SDLP, after a decision to re-introduce a number of British military plaques in the East Entrance of Belfast City Hall at the Council's monthly meeting last night.

Sinn Féin were the only party opposing the vote as a 'regressive and backward step' in the context of each parties publicly stated positions of obtaining balance regarding City Hall memorabilia and providing parity of esteem for Belfast citizens.

Speaking after the meeting, New Lodge Councillor Conor Maskey said:

"All parties profess to hold the position that they wish to see a 'City Hall for All', yet all of them, except Sinn Féin, voted tonight to re-introduce a number of plaques - mostly of a British military nature - to the building that all ratepayers in the city help pay for.

"Particular criticism must be labelled at the SDLP for backing this regressive and backward step. In our opinion they completely buckled to a Unionist demand to the cost of people they claim to represent, and who currently feel no affinity for the City Hall that is supposed to work on their behalf.

"All other parties, including the SDLP, have shown that they are completely incapable of pro-actively redressing the situation of representative imbalance and ensure all ratepayers in Belfast are treated on an equal basis. Nonetheless, Sinn Féin will continue to work to put into action the vision of a 'City Hall for All'."

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