Sinn Féin Councillor Gerard McCabe has commended all those involved after it was announced that more than 100 homes in the Ardoyne area are getting external improvements as part of a Housing Executive repair scheme.
The Housing Executive’s External Cyclical Maintenance Programme will carry out the work on 132 homes in the district including putting in uPVC windows in homes that have none and services of the windows of those that do.
The work will also include replacing any defective external doors and rainwater goods as well as carrying out repairs to roofs, chimneys, fencing, external walls, railings and paths, work which will be carried out prior to redecoration.
“This scheme is excellent news for the residents of the Jamaica/Havana area. I have been working closely with the Jamaica/Havana residents group and together we have developed an excellent working relationship with the Housing Executive’s North Belfast District Office.
"The Jamaica/Havana residents group and I would like to thank the officers involved for all their hard work and will continue to liaise with them to ensure the scheme progresses as smoothly as possible for all the residents involved,” said McCabe.
Bin burnings by anti-socials
Meanwhile McCabe said bin burning incidents near a sheltered housing facility in Ardoyne have come about after as alleyway has become a well-known hot-spot for anti-social behaviour.
Youths have been stealing black wheelie bins and burning them out in the alleyway that runs adjacent to Holyrood House on Flax Street.
“It is important that we get the appropriate agencies working together including Council and police,” he said.
He commended Belfast City Council for coming out to clean the area after recent incidents.
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