Tuesday 18 January 2011

Spanish government arrests not conducive to search for peace

Sinn Féin MLA Alex Maskey has stated that the latest arrests by the Spanish government are not conducive to the development of a peace process in the Basque Country. Commenting on recent arrests he said:

"Last week ETA stated that its ceasefire was 'permanent' and that it would be 'verifiable by the international community'. This was a courageous step in the search for a 'just and democratic solution to the centuries old conflict'.

"Sinn Féin has urged the Spanish Government to grasp this opportunity for peace. However the Spanish state appears determined to continue to pursue a so called security agenda. The arrests last night of 11 members of Basque civic groups, Askatasuna and Ekin, is not conducive to the search for a political solution.

“This is not the way to advance a peace process. The Spanish government must play its part and build confidence in the process".

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